Looking to Advance from a Mere Startup to a $1 Billion Unicorn Firm? These Tips will Help

Unicorns were depicted as scarce creatures in fantasy-fiction. And coming across real-life unicorn firms is rare as well. Unicorn companies are tech-startups that quickly score a total valuation status of $1 billion after their inception.
New players in the game often wonder about their magical growth in this tough era of cut-throat competition. Many claim them to be just ‘lucky’ in favorable times.
Being a serial startup entrepreneur and CEO of one of India’s leading digital agency, I think absolutely otherwise. I strive to make ‘luck’ as the last chapter of the book of my dreams. The very sensation of being lucky, propels you into a labyrinth full of unicorns that exist only in fantasy. It ignites false, fanciful confidence that shatters with the first influx of harsh-reality.
A study by BusinessInsider suggests that only 23 startups made it to the Unicorn status in 2017. Considering the whopping, total number of startups (more than a million) in the last year, this amount is nothing.
Another research by CB Insights suggests that less 1% of the startups who dares to participate in Crowdfunding activities are shown the exit door in the first round followed by the 70% of them in the second one.
The billion-dollar status that you aspire to pull off, will just remain a dream if you late the Fate of the Fortune to magically make a home run for you. Understanding the inevitable imperils and being a profound, fearless chef of your tech-kitchen are instead the keys.

Let’s see what it takes to stand out: https://goo.gl/qX7Cxn
